Chapter XXI:
From Formation of Erie County Until 1830 (pages 190-207)
The New County--Niagara Perpetuated--Change of
Characteristics--Towns and Post Offices--Wolves and Hunters--A Supine
Cleopatra--Pigeons--Buffalo and Black Rock--So-on-ongise and Kauquatau--A Crime
of Superstition--A Remarkable Trial--Resignation of Ellicott--Beginning the
Canal--New Constitution--A Future President--Alden and Erie--Paying for Land in
Produce--The Three Thayers--LaFayette's Visit--Noah and Ararat--Completion of
the Canal--Purchase of Part of the Reservations--The Morgan Excitement--Shooting
Niagara--Impeachment of Red Jacket--An Erie County Cabinet Officer--Anti-
Masonry--Census of 1830--Post Offices--General Appearance--Death of Red Jacket.
Chapter XXII: From 1831 to 1840
(pages 208-221)
"The Year that Holt was Hung"--Erie and
Newstead--German Immigrants--Mary Jemison--Incorporation of
Buffalo--Politics--The Cholera--Commercial Prosperity--Inflation--Speculative
Collapse--Formation of Tonawanda--General Gloom--An "Agrarian
Convention"--Opposition to the Holland Company--The Patriot War--Camp on
Navy Island--Destruction of the Caroline--Militia Called Out--Scott on
the Frontier--Dispersion of the Patriots--An Expedition to Erie--North and the
Volunteers--Patriotism on Ice--Capturing Cannon--Final Dispersion--Bargaining
for the Reservations--Dubious Proceedings--Formation of Brant and Black
Rock--The Harrison Campaign--Population in 1840.
XXIII From 1841 to 1860 (pages 222-234)
Slow Recovery--First Railroad--The Indian Treaty
Confirmed--A Compromise--Buffalo Creek Reservation Surrendered--Cattaraugus and
Allegany Reservations Retained--Tonawanda Reservation bought and given to
Indians--New Settlements--Mr. Fillmore a Candidate for Governor--General
Prosperity--New Constitution--The Buffalo Convention--Mr. Fillmore Elected Vice-
President--He Succeeds to the Presidency--Census of 1850--The Ebenezer
Society--German Immigrants--Increased Prosperity--Formation of West
Seneca--Extension of Buffalo--Formation of Collins, Marilla and Grand
Island--Political Changes--The Census of 1857--Formation of Elma--Campaign of
XXIV: During and Since The Union War (pages 234-239)
The Outbreak--The First Company--The
Militia--First Erie County Regiment--Other Organizations--Erie County in
Congress--Origin of the "Greenbacks"--Another Regiment in
1862--Changes in the Board of Supervisors--Events of 1864--Close of the
War--Numerous Political Changes--The Commercial Barometer--Conclusion of
Continuous History.
XXV: Twenty-first Infantry and Other Regiments (pages 240-249)
The First Company--Four Companies go to
Elmira--The Rest Follow--Organization of the Regiment--Roster of
Officers--Dispute about Length of Term--Men Imprisoned--Off to Washington--In
Garrison at Fort Runyon--Bull's Run--In Wadsworth's Brigade--At Upton Hill
through the Winter--Fort Buffalo--Parting with Wadsworth--Operations in the
Spring--The Twenty-first at Fredericksburg--Its Farthest Southern Point--Weary
Marches--Conflict of July 28th--Second Bull Run--Hard Fighting--Attacking a
Railroad Embankment--Men Falling Fast--The Attack Repulsed--The Fight
Continued--Pope's Army Defeated--Heavy Losses of the Twenty-first--Sufferings of
the Wounded--The Twenty-first at South Mountain--At Antietam--Driving the
Enemy--The Campaign of Fredericksburg--Provost Duty--Return Home and
Discharge--Changes Among Officers--Final Roster--Thirty-third Infantry--Richmond
Guards--In Virginia--Brigaded with the Forty-ninth--The Thirty-third at
Yorktown--At Golden's Farm--At Mary's Heights--Discharge--Forty-fourth
Infantry--Company A--Battles of the Regiment--Changes Among Officers of Company
XXVI: Forty-ninth Infantry and Other Regiments (pages 250-258)
Organization of the Forty-ninth--Roster of
Officers--To New York and Washington--Preparation--Movement to the
Peninsula--Williamsburg--Gallantry of the Forty-ninth--Mechanicsville--The
Retreat--Return to Alexandria--Too Late for Second Bull Run--Antietam--Fredericksburg--Chancellorsville--Capture
of Mary's Heights--Recrossing the Rappahannock--Accession from the
Thirty-third--Extraordinary March--Gettysburg--Winter Quarters--The Great
Campaign--Wilderness--Spottsylvania--Cold Harbor--Heavy Losses--Fort Stevens--On
the Shenandoah--Opequan Creek--Discharge of Non-Veterans--Consolidation into a
Battalion--Cedar Creek--Death of Bidwell--Back to Petersburg--Capture of the
Last Strong-hold--Return and Discharge--Roster of Officers at Muster-out--List of
Battles--Sixty-fourth Infantry-Company A, from Erie County--Its Battles--Various
Officers--Seventy-eighth Infantry--One Company from Erie County--Its Battles,
XXVII: One Hundredth Infantry (pages 259-273)
A New Regiment Authorized--Recruiting
Commissioners--Camp Morgan--Colonel Brown--Roster of Officers--Homes of the
Men--Off to Washington--On the Peninsula--Williamsburg--Battle of Fair
Oaks--Colonel Brown's Coolness--Charge--The One Hundredth--Deadly
Conflict--Death of Brown--Other Losses--Valor of Casey's Division--Retreat of the
Enemy--March to the James River--Malvern Hills--The Regiment Adopted by the
Board of Trade--To Gloucester Point--Colonel Dandy--Removal to North
Carolina--To South Carolina--Charleston Harbor--Folly Island--Capture of Part of
Morris Island--Assault on Fort Wagner--Second Assault--Valor of the One
Hundredth--Desperate Fighting--Repulse--Heavy Losses--The Siege--Captain Payne's
Services--Capture of Wagner--Through the Winter--Return North--In the "Army
of the James"--Surprised and Driven Back--"Wearbottom Church"--North
of the James--Capturing a Battery--Before Petersburg--Across the James Again--
Winter Quarters--Again Before Petersburg--Capture of Fort
Gregg--Final Victory--Official Changes--Consolidation--Discharge--Final Roster.
XXVIII: One Hundred and Sixteenth Infantry and Other Regiments (pages 273-289)
Committee to Raise a New Regiment--Major Chapin
Appointed Colonel--Rapid Recruiting--Muster Inn--Roster Of Officers--To The Front--At Sea--Ship Island--Carrollton--Baton
Rouge--Demonstration Against Port Hudson--"Camp Niagara"--Forward
Again--Battle of "Plain Store"--The Charge of the One Hundred and Sixteenth--Assault on Port Hudson--Death of
Chapin--Siege of Port Hudson--The Surrender--Down The River--Cox's Plantation--At Fort
Williams--Officers Furnished the "Corps d' Afrique"--To Sabine Pass and Back--Western Louisiana--
"Camp Emory"--The Red River
Expedition--Sabine Cross-Roads--Battle of Pleasant Hill--Return To Alexandria--To Morganza--At Sea
Again--At Washington--In The Shenandoah Valley--Victory at Opequan Creek--At
Fisher's Hill--The Army Surprised at Cedar Creek--Sheridan Restores The
Battle--The One Hundred and Sixteenth Plants its Flag on the Intrenchments--
Through the Winter--"The Best Regiment in the Nineteenth Corps"--At Washington--
Mustered Out--Reception At Buffalo--The Last Roster Of Officers--Concluding Remarks--The One
Hundred and Fifty-fifth Infantry--Two Companies from Buffalo--Services in Virginia--
Promotions and Changes--One Hundred and
Sixty-fourth Infantry--Two Buffalo Companies--Officers' Names--Its Battles--Its Losses--One Hundred and Eighty-seventh
Infantry--Roster of Officers--Services--Discharges.
XXIX: Cavalry and Artillery Volunteers (pages 290-296)
Tenth Cavalry--Four Erie County Companies--Their
Officers--Hard Service--Battles--Consolidation--Muster Out--Promotion,
Etc.--Eleventh Cavalry--Company M--Its Services--Twelfth Cavalry--Companies K
and M--Services--Muster Out--Fourteenth Cavalry--Metcalf's Company--Its
Services--Consolidation, Etc.--Sixteenth Cavalry--Four Erie County
Companies--Services--Consolidation, Etc.--Twenty-fourth Cavalry--Three Erie
County Companies--Their Officers--Battles of the Regiment--Muster Out--Second
Mounted Rifles--Three Erie County Companies--Officers--Battles, Etc.--Wiedrich's
Battery--Its Organization--Battle of Cross Keys--Second Bull Run--Chancellorsville--Gettysburgh--Lookout
Mountain--The Atlanta Campaign--Final Ground March--Twenty-seventh Light
Battery--Services and Officers--Third Light Battery.
XXX: The Citizen Soldiery (pages 296-306)
The Early Militia--"General
Trainings"--Early Organization--Changes in 1816--Numerous Successive
Changes--A Strange Looking Inspector--A Court-Martial--A Roster of 1828--The
Militia in the Patriot War--Prompt Turn-out--Buffalo City Guard--The Two Hundred
and Eighth Infantry--Re-organization of the militia--The Uniformed
Regiments--The Sixty-seventh Regiment--Its Services--The Ninety-eighth
Regiment--Its Services--Sketch of the Sixty-fifth Regiment--Sketch of the
Seventy-fourth Regiment--The Seventh Battery.
XXXI: The Erie Canal (pages 306-313)
Its First Advocate, Jesse Hawley--Governeur
Morris--Hawley's Essays--Western Inland Lock Navigation Company--Judge Forman's
Resolution--Survey Ordered--Commissioners Appointed--The Inland Route
Adopted--Law Authorizing Canal--Law Repealed During Year of 1812--DeWitt
Clinton--Canal Law of 1817--Ground Broken--Contest Between Black Rock and
Buffalo--Decision in Favor of Buffalo--First Work in Erie County--Breaking
Ground at Buffalo--The Canal Completed--Grand Celebration--Telegraphing by
Cannon--The Wedding of Waters--Description of the Canal--Immense
Business--Enlargement Authorized--Work on it Stopped--Political Conflict--The
Enlargement Carried Through--Description of the Enlarged Canal--Its
Cost--Preparations to Sell the Canals--The Canals Relieved of Tolls.
XXXII: Railroads (pages 314-320)
Charter of Buffalo & Aurora Railroad
Company--First Railroad Built--Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad--Other Enterprises--Completion of the Buffalo & Attica Road--The Lake Shore--The Buffalo &
Rochester--The Buffalo & New York City Company--Road to Batavia--Taken Up--The Buffalo & Brantford Road--Formation of the New York Central--The Buffalo & Pittsburg--The
Buffalo & Allegany Valley--The Canandaigua & Falls Road--Purchase of the
Buffalo & Niagara Falls Road by the Central--The buffalo & Washington--Consolidation with the Buffalo & Allegany Valley--Name Changed to Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia--Slow Construction--The Canada Southern--The "Air Line"--Consolidation of the Grand Trunk & Great Western--Suspension Bridge in Erie Junction Railroad--The Buffalo &
Jamestown--Change to Buffalo & South Western--New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad--Buffalo, Pittsburg & Western--Consolidation With the Buffalo, New York & Philadelpia--Leased Lines of the Latter--Other Property--Assumed Business--New York, Lackawanna & Western Railroad--Rochester & Pittsburg--New York, West Shore & Buffalo--The Lehigh Valley Railroad--General View.
XXXIII: Erie County Agricultural Society (pages 321-333)
Niagara County Agricultural Society--Officers and
Town Managers--First Fair--Dr. Chapin's Efforts--Success Under Difficulties--Change of Name--Decease of the Society--Revival in
1841--First Fair of the New Society--The Cattle of that Period--Second Fair--"Hamburg
Cheese"--Report for 1843--For 1845--1846 & 1847--The Fairs Deteriorating--The State Fair of 1848--Great
Success--Distinguished Visitors--Another County Fair at Buffalo--First County Fair in the Country Towns
Held at Aurora--Great Improvement--At Lancaster in 1851--At East Hamburg in 1852--Large Crops--At Cold Spring in 1853--At Aurora in 1854--At East Hamburg in 1855--First Charge for Admission--Horace Greeley's Address--Re-Organization in 1856--Ground Leased Near the Indian Church--Fairs Held There Nine Years--At Cold Spring in 1865--At Springville in 1866 & 1867--At Hamburg at 1868--It Continues There--Officers
for Successive Years--Efforts to Change Location--Fair Extended to Four Days in 1876--Increase
of Funds--Purchase of Land--Clean Purchase--Large Receipts--Value of the
Property--The Grounds.
XXXIV: County Buildings (pages 334-338)
First Court House--A Circular Plot--First
Jail--Destruction of The Court House--Another Erected--The Second Jail--Erie
County Penitentiary--The Third Court House--Erie County Alms House--Movement for
a County and City Hall--Law Authorizing It--Commissioners Appointed--Franklin
Square Selected--Ground Broken--Laying the Cornerstone--Changes of Material--The
Work Completed--Celebration of the Event--Description of the Building--The New
XXXV: Civil List (pages 339-349)
President--Vice President--Secretary of
War--Postmaster-General--Foreign Ministers--United States Judge--United States
District Attorney--Clerks of the District Court--Superintendent of Public
Printing Office--Members of the House of Representatives--Presidential
Electors--Generals of the Regular Army--Governor of New
York--Lieutenant-Governor--Secretary of
State--Attorney-General--Comptrollers--State Treasurers--Canal
Commissioners--Inspector of State Prisons--Superintendent of Public
Instruction--Regent of the University--Canal Appraisers--Judge of the Court of
Claims--Circuit Judge--Judges of the Supreme Court--Member of the Council of
Appointment--State Senators--Members of Assembly--Members of Constitutional
Conventions--First Judges of the Common Pleas--County Judges--Sheriffs--County
Clerks--District Attorneys--Surrogates--County Treasurers--School Commissioners.
XXXVI: Geology of Erie County (pages 350-359)
The Method Employed--The Sea Beaches and the Rocks--Coral Reefs and Limestone Beds--The Rocks Under Erie County--Their Location--The Ancient Inland Sea--Deposition of the Rocks of the Onondaga Salt Group--Formation of Coral Reefs--Ground into Lime--Formation of the Waterlime Group--The Age of Fishes--Pure Limestone--Coral Remains at Williamsville--Deposit of the Corniferous Limestone--Clay Turned into
Shale--Carbonaceous Matter Intermixed--Later Clay Deposits Without Carbon--Corals and Limestone Again--
Moscow Shale--Tully Limestone--Genesee Slate--Sand Formations--The Portage Group--
Rocks Farther South--The Pennsylvania Coal Beds--Formation of Rivers--Excavation of the Niagara,
Tonawanda, Etc.,--The Great Ice Period--Its Effect--Its Direction--The Bowlder Clay--It Fills the Valleys--Formation of Lake Erie--Lake Beaches--The Bowlders--Their Origin--Excavation of
Cattaraugus Creek--Eighteen Mile Creek, Etc.--The Evidence of Time of Excavations--Growth of Forests--Present Surface--No Gold or Silver--No Coal or Oil--Existence of Salt Probable--
Valuable Cement--Buffalo Marble--Building Stone.
Chapter XXXVII: History of the Town of Newstead (pages 359-379)
Chapter XXXVIII: History Of The Town of Clarence (pages 379-396)
XXXIX: History of The Town of Amherst (pages 396-412)
Chapter XL: History of the Town of Tonawanda (pages 412-426)
Chapter XLI: History of the Town of Grand Island (pages 426-438)
Chapter XLII: History of the Town of Alden (pages 438-452)
Chapter XLIII: History of the Town of Lancaster (pages 452-466)
Chapter XLIV: History of the Town of Cheektowaga (pages 466-476)
Chapter XLV: History of the Town of Marilla (pages 476-488)
Chapter XLVI: History of the Town of Elma (pages 489-500)
Chapter XLVII: History of the Town of West Seneca (pages 501-510)
Chapter XLVIII: History of the Town of Hamburg (pages 511-524)
Chapter XLIX: History of the Town of East Hamburg (pages 524-534)
Chapter L: History of the Town of Aurora (pages 535-560)
Chapter LI: History of the Town of Wales (pages 561-571)
Chapter LII: History of the Town of Evans (pages 571-583)
Chapter LIII: History of the Town of Eden (pages 583-592)
Chapter LIV: History of the Town of Boston (pages 592-601)
Chapter LV: History of the Town of Colden (pages 601-607)
Chapter LVI: History of the Town of Holland (pages 607-616)
Chapter LVII: History of the Town of Sardinia (pages 617-623)
Chapter LVIII: History of the Town of Brant (pages 623-629)
Chapter LIX: History of the Town of Concord (pages 630-644)
Chapter LX History of the Town of Collins (pages 645-656)
Chapter LXI: History of the Town of North Collins (pages 656-666)
Chapter LXII: Personal Sketches
Orlando Allen--Solomon George Haven--Dr. Ebenezer Johnson--Henry F. Penfield--
Elbridge Gerry Spaulding--Samuel Wilkeson--Millard Fillmore--Ebenezer Walden--
William Hodge--William A. Bird--Lewis F. Allen.
Pages 666-682
Pages 683-698
Pages 699-708
Brief Personals
Pages 709-724
Pages 725-740
Pages 741-754
Pages 755-769
Index (pages 770-776)